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Sunday, March 28, 2010

We can't not evolve to higher consciousness!

It is in our very DNA. Our history documents evolutionary transitions.

Our repetition compulsions and relationship cauldron experiences provoke us to continue to grow and transform. Our soul conspires with Source to hook us up with those who will most encourage, support or provoke our changes. We get to choose!

When we choose to gain higher consciousness we choose to practice meditation, mindfulness, right living and right attitudes. We limit our addictions to those that are mostly beneficial. We upgrade our addictions to professions. We become more intentional in our efforts and relationships.

Problematic relationships happen mostly because we are focused on changing the other person or perceiving that the problem lies with them. Or, we expect them to work on their issues and change.

Adapting the attitude that when someone provokes me I have an opportunity to practice presence; not just in-spite of their actions but even joyfully allows me to gain ground in my higher consciousness pursuit. A most difficult task.

The goal here can be to regain presence more rapidly. Instead of years, make it months. Instead of months, weeks. When we can notice that we are reacting and not responding it is possible to then take a breath, relax and come back into presence. Back to where we are aware of our own perceptions and sensations and not taking the other's behavior personally. Increasingly the time to re-group can be hours and even minutes. How spectacular is that!

Watching self is of primary importance and when we "split-off" catching our self and using the signal breath of a long exhale and several deep breaths at the same time as focusing on sensations and not thoughts makes this easier. It helps at these times to consciously remind ourselves that our lives are not in danger, only our egos. We can choose to move out of a reptillian brain stem mode of being to a limbic or even neo-cortex mode.

An added benefit is that we become less stressed out. We live longer.

Choosing to "work" our issues increases our ability and facility of higher consciousness development.

It does get easier and easier; even without our "working" at it. Of course, some of this might just be aging! Ha! It is no accident that the elders are regarded as the keepers of Wisdom.

Love ya!

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