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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back to the Relationship Cauldron for Personal Growth

This short blog is just to acquaint people of my most recent venture (as a therapist/healer)! For some time I have been teaching/training clients in some basic relationship strengthening tools. The workshop I have designed will be a concentrated approach to teaching the skills. Sometimes one hour sessions leave a lot to be desired.So . . . here is what I am offering!

What I feel really good about is how when one does this work it becomes easier and easier to stay present when conflict occurs.

What a blessing!

Heh, what do you think? I created this in Windows Publisher 2003 and saved it in .gif. Works great. How come it took so long to figure this out?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bless the Waters of Life!

When I woke up to the reality that blessing water changes it's molecular structure and that 70 to 80 percent of our bodies are composed of water the realization also came to me that the single most important act I, or anyone for that matter, can do is to go around blessing people: Blessing the Waters of Life. Blessing them with kind words, warm smiles, non-invasive or evasive hugs, or even just warm thoughts.

Some of you readers might remember the research of Masaru Emoto documenting in his book The Hidden Messages of Water (

Dr Emoto shows the crystalline structure of water subjected to different forces, including blessings. The results are astonishing.

I remember from years ago hearing that a wonderfully healing act is to on awakening in the morning holding a glass of water towards the sun, blessing it and then drinking the water with relish. Often practicing this simple act always seems appropriate. I now add some lemon to alkalinize the water to bring my body into balance.

No wonder I and so many others go to waters for healing. The ocean, rivers, lakes are all so well visited. And our realization that where water flows there are negative ions present that bring feelings of well being. Where water flows freely it purifies. No wonder that my subject for the chakra guided meditation video my friend Tom Betune and I created was flowing water

I offer this short blog as a tribute to the healing waters of life!

Share, care and enjoy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Collective PTSD: Unresolved Grieving

Stigmatizing, Shaming, Blaming, Hexing, Pathologizing: We are All experiencing PTSD.

In this blog I wish to focus again on the stigmatizing or hexing qualities of PTSD; for these are often so subtle that we miss experiencing the trauma.

I am so excited to be living in this time, in this day and age and in this country, state and local.

No matter how hard the "Powers that Be" attempt they will not be able to close the lid on the awarenesses of PTSD and how they negatively effect our beings. Who knows, maybe even they will "get a clue."

Be that as it may, one gift of wars has been to confront us with "Battle Fatigue," "Shell Shock" and now what we call "PTSD". All one and the same. From that newer distinction widely ascribed to after The Vietnam War (the Vietnamese refer to it as "The American War") it was our Civil Rights movements and Women's Liberation Movements that opened up the awareness that PTSD is very wide-spread and not just an adjunct of wars.

From these openings we now, therapists particularly, are more widely noting that most if not all psychological and even physiological disorders have to do with one form of trauma or another.

To bring imagery into this discussion please imagine what it feels like to be "boxed" into something. Is not stigmatizing, hexing or shaming or blaming a kind of being boxed in?

Let's look at the words of Bob Dylan

I ain't lookin' to compete with you
Beat or cheat or mistreat you
Simplify you, classify you
Deny, defy or crucify you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

No, and I ain't lookin' to fight with you
Frighten you or tighten you
Drag you down or drain you down
Chain you down or bring you down
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I ain't lookin' to block you up
Shock or knock or lock you up
Analyze you, categorize you
Finalize you or advertise you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I don't want to straight-face you
Race or chase you, track or trace you
Or disgrace you or displace you
Or define you or confine you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I don't want to meet your kin
Make you spin or do you in
Or select you or dissect you
Or inspect you or reject you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I don't want to fake you out
Take or shake or forsake you out
I ain't lookin' for you to feel like me
See like me or be like me
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

A product of his and our age Dylan well stated how we can work, play and live with each other without toxically traumatizing one another.

Well enough said: how do we deal with being shamed, blamed, boxed, shaken, forsaken, etc.? We do what this whale has done! Check out this link: The scientists who released the whale thought it was giving them a dance of appreciation. There might have been some of that involved but from neuro-science we now would understand it more to be a "dance of liberation." 

Expression, expressiveness, dancing, shaking, visualizing, animating . . . getting the locked energy out of our bodies is how we heal PTSD. Perhaps that means more demonstrations, dance-ins, grieving rituals, etc. 

What do  you think?

I think: "All I really want to do is
             baby, be friends with you."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Filaments of Desire: Bondings of Personal Histories

From Quantum Physics we read of "string theory"; from shamanic traditions we read of filaments of interconnectedness between All. From my psychotherapy practice and personal take on reality I experience tugs and pulls on my very anatomy: My Energy Anatomy  (see Carolyn Myss work: Energy Anatomy and Self Diagnosis).

When we employ imagery and visualization ( with respect to our bonding and in some cases, bondage then we are increasingly able to manage these "filaments of desire" and transform them from unpleasant and controlling to healing and redeeming. From rigid ways of perceiving and treating our loved ones to enabling flexibility and movement.

I think of one client many years ago who had at an early adolescent age stolen his fathers silver coin collection and blown it at the arcades. His father was furious and in a rage beat his child and kicked him out of the home; at least as the client remembered. What brought this memory to the surface was this awful feeling in his solar plexus that came about whenever he became close to others (see blog entry regarding Relationship Cauldron: As we explored this awful feeling and linked it along his filaments of memories it took him back to that experience with his dad. The feeling had been dealt with alcohol, relationship and other addictive disorders to the time.

Our approach was to work with the sensation in terms of what in ordinary reality might be responsible for such a powerful sensation in his gut. What he came up with was a big wire rope about 6" in diameter; pushing and pulling him through his life.

Re-envisioning this image he was able to come up with an energy beam that exchanged only positive information and reflected back to the sender any negative content.

My client experienced immediate physiological relief. That wasn't too surprising to me as such a reaction is fairly typical.

What was incredibly and wondrously surprising is that the very next day he received a phone call from his dad: The first one in maybe 30 years. They in subsequent days, weeks and months were able to re-conciliate.

There have been other similar experiences.

With these examples I am reminded of The Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham and The Diamond Cutter The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Strategies for Managing Your Business and Your Life. With respect to both of these profound books and knowledge we are talking about how what we think, feel and believe creates our reality. They both extoll the virtues of visualizing desired outcomes.

And, all of this comes back to what I consider to be another Law: The Law of Gratitude for All. See my blog regarding this concept:

We are, indeed interconnected. The closer the relationship the stronger the link. The stronger the emotional memory the stronger the sensation, the stronger the link.

In relationship most people tend to remember the negative experiences far more deeply than the positive.
Perhaps that happens to link us to the memory such that we can do our soul retrieval work and reclaim and re-educate the wounded, neglected and forgotten memories. We are all evolving and our evolution is determined to keep us going back to the formative memories of survival. Instinctual survival.

And, above all else, Love. Love is more than an emotion. It is a latice work of filaments that intrinsically links us to All.

Thanks for visiting and considering.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Maxaman, Myth and The Power of Belief

As you might guess this entry is more about the "Power of Belief" than it will be about Maxaman. However, to report on what I experienced as the power and influence that the effigy of God or Holy Boy, Maxaman has on the collective consciousness of the Mayan population, perhaps particularly around Lake Atitlan, can be used to stress the point.

The point being, what we believe is less important than that we believe. In many ways this is just another example of The Law of Attraction.

One very profound aspect of the power of belief has to do with what it means to be human. We far too often underestimate the magnificence and wonder, the deliciousness of what it means to be human. To say that humans are awesome is a major understatement.

The intention of the Shaman who is the "carrier" and/or care-taker of Maxaman has to do with the ability to bring about significant change in reality by the strength and power of his belief. Having the effigy, Maxaman, and the cumulative history of the Mayan history and culture behind him greatly enhances the shaman Nicolas to visualize, believe and emote confidence in himself and the power of Maxaman. When the People believe congruent with the belief of the shaman and the beauty of the prayers and ritual then greatness happens.

The rituals I took part  in were beautiful, poignant with meaning and energy. I am reminded of Malidome Some's imperative that shrines must be so constructed as to bring wonder, fear and respect. Then they must be empowered with the strength of the conviction of the person or persons responsible. The Maxaman shrine was both beautiful and troubling. What was the meaning and significance of the candles of different colors, the effigy, the ties around the effigy, the several hats, the prone effigy of Maxaman behind the figure, and, behind that Jesus on the Cross, etc.
Saint with Ties

Maxaman Shrine

Interestingly, as the Christian belief system by way of the cross was behind Maxaman, Maxaman's influence appeared in one of the Churches we visited. The scarf's around the Church Saint (not sure if figure was male or female). And, we saw many examples of the blending of belief systems. A fail safe system? Just go along with the prevailing energy until it passes? Visual reminders of the power of Spirit and further strengthening belief?

Regardless, there was  a strong attendance and evidence of "belief." In doctor's offices clients are reassured by the certificates, diplomas, licenses and tools of the trade. The book, The Heroic Client, The Heroic Client: A Revolutionary Way to Improve Effectiveness Through Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Therapy content analysis of many numerous studies of psychotherapy outcomes considering, therapist modality, diagnosis and medications came to the following conclusions. There are only three aspects that can predict positive change. These are: 1. The clients motivation to change, 2. The therapist's belief in his/her own skills and effectiveness; and, 3. The clients belief in the therapist.

It all comes back to Belief!

And, when we consider the effectiveness of clear intention this can become even stronger. If my intention is strong and I believe my intention will be honored by The Universe, then the right healing modality and/or healer will come along.

How will I know? Dreams and synchronistic events lead the way; after the clear intention. The Tao of Psychology, by Jean Shinoda Bolen documents how this work. And then there is Carlos Constaneda's
works where he talks about "omens" and "confirmation from the Universe." The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.  (Not certain it was in this, first book of Constaneda's work but know it is concept, attributed to Don Juan.)

Considering all of the above; doesn't it seem reasonable to assume that we are meant to evolve and the more we believe in the process of evolving, healing, trust and love and the beauty of our own being the more that is not only posible but even probable!

In some ways it is: Believe, put out a clear image or intention of what it is you desire . . . and then get out of the way and let it evolve.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mayan Wisdom: Reflections after visiting Mayandom

The last week of March and the first of April, 2011 my extended family and I, ten of us, traveled with four others to El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Belize. Our guide, Carlos Vivar, a Mayan who grew up in the village closest to Tikal and that responsible for caring for the jungles around Tikal, very knowledgeable about the history of Mayadom, archaeological ruins, the culture modern and ancient, Mayan shamanism and so much more is my pick for a man of destiny. 

First Temple, Tikal
Carlos left his village against his families wishes to walk to Flores. It was on this walk that he first saw Tikal and at that time decided to study the world of the Mayans. In Flores, speaking only limited Spanish, he sat outside of a school until the instructor came to inquire what it was he wanted. "To learn Spanish." The teacher took him in to his classes, his home and his heart. Carlos rapidly learned Spanish and rudimentary English. 

He then went back to Tikal and worked for various tour groups as assistants to guides. After a short while he was knowledgeable and instructive of what tourists wanted to see in terms of plants, trees, wild-life and even the ruins, glyphs and history of the Mayans. He began to study English by freely or for donation guiding English speaking tourists through the ruins of Tikal.

Soon he was discovered and hired by a major touring group, Overseas Adventure Travels (OATs) to lead tours of Tikal. After only a few years he so impressed OATs that they invited him to high level studies and to lead tours throughout Mayadom. 

Carlos interpreting for Nicolas 
And so Carlo's story continues. 

Shaman Nicolas Empowering Holy Boy
Among other things Carlos comes from a long line of Shamans and is colleagues with some of Mayadom's leading shamans. He introduced us to Nicolas, shaman of Santiego de Atitlan and caretaker of the effigy representing God, Maxaman (Holy Boy, as he is spiritually regarded by the People*). We were fortunate to watch Nicolas lead several rituals, one involving a healing and empowering for myself. I was extremely honored and seem to have benefited strongly from the ritual.

Subsequent to this experience Carlos invited my wife, Joanne Witte and myself to attend the Mayan End of the Mayan Calendar event in Tikal, December 21st, 2012. We were both very honored and accepted the invitation to stay for the event with he and his family in his village.  He had informed us that already there were no accommodations anywhere else for many miles around. His statement, "All of Mayadom will be there."

From our travels and readings it is indicated that the Calendar records, accurately, 26 thousand years of Celestial events. The glyphs and scrolls of glyphs predicted the Spanish invasion and advised the people to not fight but that the Spanish would tire after finding no gold and leave. It took them several hundred years to do so.

One observation that really impressed me was how many small villages, while influenced strongly by modernization, still maintained the old costumes,
Women's Fabric at Market
customs and language. The people of Mayadom are very proud of who they are and not rapidly giving way to modernization. Perhaps they learned from their experience with the Spaniards. Perhaps the manuscripts and glyphs also tell of modernization coming . . . and going.

While there is no sense that "the world is going to end" with the advent of the new Mayan Calendar there is  definitely predictions of many upheavals in all ways. In general the belief is that the "eye" to the cosmos will be opened on 12/21/2012 and that a new age, an age of higher consciousness will come about. Interesting to me that this is congruent with "The Age of Aquarius."

I am not sure of exactly what is meant by the "eye" the cosmos but from what I glean on the 21st of December the sun rising will coincide with the rotation of our galaxy which will look like an eye. Apparently there is a spacious void that when the Milky Way rotates a certain way the void appears like an eye. It seems that the "photon beam" from beyond the Pleiades has a clear shot to earth at that time. This happened 26 thousand years ago and again 5125 years ago, perhaps in a lesser fashion. Unfortunately I do not remember when or how I read or heard about the above. For a more scientific explanation visit the following blog: In his blog the following description is elucidated: The Galactic Alignment of 2012 ... The Holy Cross of the Equinox Axis and the Milky Way Galaxy ... the Solstice Galaxy Alignment explained by John Major Jenkins ...

* Martin Prechtel, in Secrets of the Talking Jaguar writes of Holy Boy in his chapter White Metal, Yellow Metal: I Empty Out for Holy Boy.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

From Fear and Anxiety to Trust and Love

Those who have visited this blog before know somewhat of what this entry is about. My great pleasure and joy in life is having learned to not spend much time in the "Pit of Fear"; instead moving from there into "The Field of Trust and Love."

Today this is most important as the news is full of fear and anxiety about the devastating tragedy in Japan and the ensuing nuclear fall-out that is possibly becoming a real threat to so much of life on Earth and of real concern to so many of us. There is lots of over-reaction to he news. Sensationalism. News casting . . . and we are the fish.

Use fear to motivate change.

Use it also to effectively pray and visualize the outcomes that can possibly come from this tragedy.

Move the realm to probably with active prayer, visualization and positive thinking (The Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham).

To this end I offer this prayer:

The Blessing/Curse Prayer for World Leaders

Great Father Above and Mother Below with great gratitude for all the blessings you bestow we ask for your further support and guidance.
We want and need your support in our helping to heal the wounds of Your Creations.
We appeal to the Four Winds and Seven Seas, to our Ancestors to guide us and strengthen us in our resolve to help to bring about healing.
May the eyes of our leaders be opened to the pain and suffering of the mothers, fathers and children of all of life on earth.
May their ears hear the wailing and curses of those who have suffered wounding and injustices at the hands of the unmerciful.
May their hearts be opened and filled with compassion for those wronged.
May their bellies be filled with such anxt that they cannot but own their part in the imbalances and wrong doings.
May their minds and thoughts become clear with resolve to right the wrongs.
May their words and deeds be of retribution and reparation.
May they escape the jaws of the abyss.
May their good fortunes be shared by all; and, may they come to be known in their own time as great men and women who brought about The Great Healing of the Fabric of The Universe. 

And that dear Gods and Goddesses will be truly delicious for All to feast upon.

Peace and Healing

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Emotional Intimacy in Relationships

Creating Emotional Intimacy in Relationships
The relationships naturally changes over time. Emotional intimacy that was once passionate and exciting can diminish unless steps are taken to help maintain it. This entry may help understand why emotional intimacy in relationships often fades over time and what can be done to rekindle our passions.
Emotional intimacy in relationships tend to fade over time.
This happens for many reasons: After the initial romancing period the issues of our pasts begin to play more active roles in our relationships. Those issues are part of what attracts us to each other often on very deep unconscious levels. This phenomena is related to the repetition compulsion. We come to be together so that we will be “worked” to become more fully integrated. I think of this phenomena as The Relationship Cauldron (see my blog entry: SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2010
The Relationship Cauldron: The gift of interpersonal conflicts!).

Without acknowledging this built in conflict and building a support system for doing our unique personal work in our relationship we will need to give each other more space: To move away from each other.
If we are attached to the “live happily ever-after model” of marriage then we compare our own stressed relationship with that model and find it wanting. However, thanking our partners for helping us access our profound sense of emptiness due to our wounded-ness can help us to build a more realistic and stable intimate basis. When couples see the going into an issue as “sacred” in the sense of visiting the temple of healing and not taking the others stuff personally then the marriage can be strengthened.
A common reason for this fading has to do with our having other affairs. “Affairs do not happen in a vacuum.” We become distracted from our own personal work by having children, becoming overly involved in our work, getting into drugs and/or alcohol, having extra-marital affairs, etc. When one person begins to move away the other will either push hard to reestablish the closeness or move away accordingly. Either tact can be damaging to the marriage. Ultimately, no matter what the affair, it is a distraction to keep us from feeling the discomfort or pain having to do with our personal and ancestral wounds.
We crave as a basic need emotional intimacy and will find it one way or another. As drifting apart happens other pursuits take precedence. We are all “Seeking Village” and will find the support we need to heal one way or another. Fairly often this happens in the late 30’s, 40’s or 50’s. It takes lots of living to get it that we need to make big movement towards doing our own personal growth work. None of us are immune from this.
Recognizing the drift away from the intimacy and talking about this is important. In my web-site ( under “Tools, Communication Basics” are some instructions on how to actively and reflectively listen to each other. Open, eye-leveling communications can rebuild intimacy.
Prescribing for self in my relationships and for my clients in theirs that sacred time be set aside for intimate relationship building: Dating one night a week, at least. Taking a weekend off once a month to get away from routine tasks and other possessive pursuits is critical. Getting away for a longer period of time at least once a year is also very beneficial.
Also paying attention to five critical times in a family’s day-to-day living is critical. The times most important to "see" each other; to hug, tell you love, and are there for them. These times are: 1. when we get up, 2. when we eat, 3. when we leave the home, 4. when we return; and, 5. when we go to bed.
The most significant time is coming home. We live in a toxic world and taking time to “get home” spiritually and to feel ourselves in our own home, in a grounded sense, allows for us to be open to re-connect with our loved ones. Going out into the world and returning is a mild form of jet-lag. Yet, it can be very taxing and include such common sensations as “road-rage”, boredom and frustration with work, financial stressors, job stressors, other frustrating relationships, etc. It is all too easy to not get home even when we are home. We tend to continue to process the day “out there” even though it is the past and we are “here.” Making a point of “being home” helps us to reconnect with our loved ones. This has to do with the concept of “quality time” versus “quantity time.”
A major task for all couples is to sort out whose stuff is whose. As it is estimated that 80 to 85 % of our relationship issues has to do with communications it is also estimated that only about 20% of our issues is with our partners or family members. The larger remaining portion has to do with our personal histories. This gets back to how by honoring the awareness that we are all striving in one way or another, intentionally or accidentally, to become fully integrated: To become highly spiritual beings. We are striving to come to grips with our own repetition compulsions and woundings.
Making time to sit down and actively hear each others understanding of the reality of the relationship is very important. What do they perceive, how does that affect their emotional well being, what sense do they make of that in terms of emotions and personal history; and, what do they want and need to help them move along on their path. The one not talking is to only register what has been said; and not in their mind arguing, reasoning, fixing, etc. Only remembering so that they can tell the one sharing what they heard. If they got it right (really right and not just 50% or so) then they can move on to the listener telling their side.
It is amazing to me, still, how this simple to do (although hard to learn without practice) can reduce tensions and re-establish intimacy. We all want and need to be honored or “seen.”
Thanks for viewing this entry and let me know how it works for you.

Corruption and Redemption

Believing that very few humans, less than one percent can be classified "without conscience;" what leads humans to repeatedly behave in ways to cheat, lie, steal, etc. 

Thinking on this, I remember two works from my early studies in Sociology and Criminology. The first by Edwin Sutherland's on white collar crimes White Collar Crime: The Uncut Version . As I remember the study it was reported that such crimes started out relatively innocently. Stealing a pencil from work or pocketing someone's loose change or the likes. Then an elaborate process of inner dialogue and repeated and progressively growing in seriousness moral lapses led to eventually getting caught. We read about such incidents in our daily news.

Sometimes the motivation is simply to get some food to eat. With white collar crime what goes on has been described by Sykes and Matza, 1957, as "techniques of neutralization," which leads to the second work I write about. The techniques are rationalizations and justifications, internal arguments that often lead one into further mis-deeds and can eventually lead to more serious crimes. 

My interest in bringing this information to this blog has to do with another interest, fascination even, of mine  that of the "repetition compulsion" phenomena I write and speak about. 

Those who have visited my blog have no doubt read about the phenomena of people repeating traumatic events often over and over again and again. My belief is that it is a soul issue and has to do with "so they will remember" to heal.

Perhaps, along these lines, the corruption we are so aware of in this culture and in general, in mass society, has to do with people starting out simple enough, stealing, lying or cheating and then escalating in this behavior with an underlying compulsion to get caught! To get caught so that they will be compelled to working on deeper wounding issues.

What I know from my work is that when becoming aware of the phenomena one dips back into personal history and remembers where the original traumatic act or event occurred, deals with that loss with gratitude and forgiveness of self and/or other, then the wounded soul part can return and healing begins.

The wonderful Alcoholic Anonymous movement has as a basic tenant, one of the 12 Steps, the Fifth, I believe "To make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves" and then to make things right where one may.

When I consider the great amount of grief that our world experiences because of corruption and some of the above considerations it occurs to me that those perpetrating the crimes are also caught up in the repetition compulsion and haven't a clue as to how to move out of that pattern.

Perhaps with radical forgiveness and a more grateful approach to life the dynamics can be reversed. This has been successfully practiced repeatedly. Most importantly by Nobel Peace recipient Desmond Tutu of South Africa. No Future Without Forgiveness

We have also seen in our world how "Radical Forgiveness" has brought peace between warring tribes or nations.

Practicing "Gratitude for All" (as no less than Elizabeth Kubler Ross suggests we adopt in even our most  grievious losses On Death and Dying (Scribner Classics)) can lead to the lessening of the need to rationalize and neutralize the extent of our internal dialogues about our illegal or immoral actions. It can open the doors to learn to stay present in the awesome eternal "Now" so that we can forgive ourselves and others and lead the way to Redemption.

It seems to me to be a need. Our anger and condemnation drives others to continue to be stuck in cycles of abuse. Our forgiveness at least offers an opportunity for healing.

What do you think?