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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bless the Waters of Life!

When I woke up to the reality that blessing water changes it's molecular structure and that 70 to 80 percent of our bodies are composed of water the realization also came to me that the single most important act I, or anyone for that matter, can do is to go around blessing people: Blessing the Waters of Life. Blessing them with kind words, warm smiles, non-invasive or evasive hugs, or even just warm thoughts.

Some of you readers might remember the research of Masaru Emoto documenting in his book The Hidden Messages of Water (

Dr Emoto shows the crystalline structure of water subjected to different forces, including blessings. The results are astonishing.

I remember from years ago hearing that a wonderfully healing act is to on awakening in the morning holding a glass of water towards the sun, blessing it and then drinking the water with relish. Often practicing this simple act always seems appropriate. I now add some lemon to alkalinize the water to bring my body into balance.

No wonder I and so many others go to waters for healing. The ocean, rivers, lakes are all so well visited. And our realization that where water flows there are negative ions present that bring feelings of well being. Where water flows freely it purifies. No wonder that my subject for the chakra guided meditation video my friend Tom Betune and I created was flowing water

I offer this short blog as a tribute to the healing waters of life!

Share, care and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I recently spent part of an afternoon lying on a rock by a pool in a tiny stream with the sun filtering down through the dense forest. Far from roads, far from other people, surrounded by busy non-human beings. Rarely do I feel such peace.
