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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our use of language limits or empowers manifestations!

When I studied Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) I learned a whole new concept about our use of language.

The concept was the tense "future probability." Later I reasoned that that concept is akin to Prayers of Ascension: Thanking the powers that be for granting that which we don't have while in the "field of love." Knowing that we will have! Belief!

How different than our common uses of "try", "hope", "want", "need", etc. All of these and others come from a position of insecurity or anxiety. They imply that what we desire we are not experiencing and maybe even won't experience. "Will" is a stronger term. Yet, it often meets from within with resistance. It goes hand in hand with "must", "have to", "better" (as in "You better do that!") "should", etc.

The French Hypnotherapist, Émile Coué in the late 1800's made a name for himself and advanced our usage of language when he taught, with great success, his clients to use the concept of future probability by teaching the this affirmation: "Everyday in every way I  am getting better and better." He would have them on going to bed repeat that affirmation with visualizations 20 times. And, on waking to do the same. Keeping the sense going that it is happening.

This formula gets to a powerful realization. Our conscious rational mind deals with reality on one level while our unconscious visual (holographic) mind-set may well have a very different agenda. Realizing this we can use affirmations such as Coué suggested and custom fit them to our own reality. For example my favorite affirmation is, "Every day in every way I am becoming whole, wholesome and holy!" Or, when working with some one that has a particular illness or imbalance teaching, "Everyday in every way I am becoming healthier and experiencing more integrity and balance."

The use of the repetition brings about more congruence between our conscious and unconscious belief systems.

When we use this formula along with our entering into our experiential body states with gratitude and establish dialogues between our various states of consciousness (animal, instinctual self, heart center, higher self) than we can progress quite nicely in the direction we intend.

And, remembering that energy follows intention we can continue to clarify our intentions and energize our manifestations while in the field of love.

Believe, Trust and Love!

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