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Friday, March 26, 2010

In and out of (The Field of) Love!

We have all fallen into love; and out of, as well. Not just of others but of "stuff;" books, Guru's, ideas, beliefs, homes, things, etc. Sometimes the process is instantly "into" and years "out of."

One of my beliefs, and it has to do with our can't not evolve-ness, is this facility for transition has to do with our evolving to higher consciousness. It teaches us through the processes of the repetition compulsion how to move from one state of consciousness to another. As with Buddha's teachings, "All suffering comes from attachment" humans have learned how to exercise "detachment" and "coming into Now" over and over again. Some of have learned to do this very successfully: Perhaps too successfully.

There are advantages and disadvantages in our exercising these abilities. For sake of not experiencing emotional pain we often miss the lesson; and, the healing.

When I go into my "stuff" I am after a while able to make a connection with how it came about that I have that particular stuff. In our soul mate interactions or just interactions with others our stuff gets activated by "triggers" or "buttons". Initially our tendency is to blame the others for our bad feelings or our mis-behavior, which usually comes after our feeling bad (all addictions come from a profound sense of emptiness). As we mature and develop more interpersonal tools we realize that our feelings, thought and actions are our responsibility. In a way, when activated bad feelings are gifts. We do need to know how to appreciate them with gratitude. We do need to meditate on when and where we first encountered these bad feelings. We can recover wounded soul parts.

No question about it, being in Love is the greatest feeling. It is not necessarily the best field for growth and personal integration work to happen. As Angeles Ariens teaches about the Appalacian's greeting of each other "What is working you?", we have the option of taking a closer and deeper look into ourselves and our history for healing to happen. On the other hand, getting stuck in our emotions (whether happy or sad) is not the most productive way to go about the business of healing.

Fortunately we now have a whole set of tools for consciously entering into Love and when we slip out of mining the experience effectively and expediently for maximum growth. What used to take me years, then months now only takes days or even hours to get through.

The process is to watch self (develop the third eye through meditation, mindfulness and clean living), catch self either obsessing about feelings or thoughts, give self the signal breath (blow all the air out and take several deep breaths), move back into awareness of sensations (what feel, hear, see, taste, smell and know "in the moment") and regain "presence." Then take some time to scan body and note where the locus of the physiological upset or tightness is. After that wonder when else you have had such feelings.

The sensations where we get triggered are also the links to our wounded soul parts. The sensations can be experienced as portals or gate-ways through which we can most easily and readily contact our soul parts, champion them back into our bodies and become more fully integrated!

Let's dialogue about this process. This is the territory where we find the gold. This is where we gain health and longevity as well as wisdom.

To celebrate the process of falling in and out of love; of consciously working the falling out of the field of love is to truly exercise our great and wonderful human-ness.

Love, Gratitude and Blessing for All of Creation.

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