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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In Consideration of "Response"

When we take a deeper look at "react" it doesn't take much to break it into "re" and "act." To once again act! This awareness reminds me of the "repetition compulsion" that I make much of. It is an underlying process that moves us to higher consciousness. The compulsion to repeat actions so that we can learn even more about those acts.

But, what about "respond?" Wikepedia has much to say about "response" in the context we are using it  ( ). It also talks about response in several different senses as "call and response" in Liturgy as well as physiological responses to external stimuli.

We see "re" again but what does "sponse" mean. It is not even an English word. A deeper research links it to "spondere" and indicates "pledge" and "promise" So respond would be to "once again" pledge or promise. This older understanding of response helps me in my argument that to respond via quietly finding, speaking and staying with one's truth has a certain sacred aspect to its meaning! There is a certain imperative that compels us to connect and re-connect with our significant others. It is a matter not just of survival but of thriving.

It is interesting to me that inside of respond is the word "pond". A quiet still pond for reflection. Taking "time out" suggests finding a calm place to reflect on what is happening. It suggests meditation and "pondering". My own personal practice and recommendation after some challenging exchange is to get centered, form an intention and then go into a meditative or mindfulness space. After a period of time "Right Action" becomes apparent!

All of that is very "heady." And, as one of my mentors, Malidome Some Ritual: Power, Healing and Community (Compass) challenges us to live by this African folklore: "Knowledge is in the head, Wisdom in the body; and, when the two meet in the heart, Truth is know!"

To find Presence through "quiet" allows us to connect the dots to get out of our heads, into our bodies and to speak our truths.

My Truth is: Finding Presence is our First Priority!

So much for now!

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