To Whose Feet Do We Lay The Blame!
If necessary, let us consider:
1. I have not, nor have so many other Americans been very pro-active to end the un-necessary violence from weapons.
2. Our Government Officials have been bought off!
3. The Gun Lobby and Military Industrial Lobby has bought them off!
4. Guns are big business:
a. They make lots of money
b. Retirement funds invest in such companies
c. Many public employees benefit from such funds
d. Most don't seem to notice or care from where the funds come.
5. The American Culture is a Culture of Violence:
a.Peacemaker was the name of a Colt Revolver that "Won the
b. America has more deaths by guns per capita than any other
country in the world.
c. We have been at War in one region or another for most of our
political existence! Strong Military Industrial Lobby!
d. Great profits have come from such wars. Weapon and
munition companies, The Pentagon, etc. all lobby for more
money and power. Congressman and other politicians are
bought off!
6. We all like our creature comforts and seem to be lost in our
bubbles of complacency: Until some "senseless" act of violence
wakes us up!
a. few requirements about who gets what kinds of guns
b. many adults and teens leave guns laying around without
adequate protection from mentally ill or children.
a. few requirements about who gets what kinds of guns
b. many adults and teens leave guns laying around without
adequate protection from mentally ill or children.
Or, is it "senseless"?
I am reminded of the old saying: "Do as I say and not as I do!" Although we all know that we will model ourselves after behavior more than words. And, when we are traumatized (PTSD) what we tend to do is repeat the circumstances of the trauma so we can figure out how we could have lost our purity and innocence.
When our leaders commit violent acts against innocent citizens of other countries what makes us think that our own citizens won't create violent acts agains innocents in our own country?
As above, so below. This adage holds true in organizations of all sizes; from families to countries.
Conclusion: We are all culpable.
The question is; who will bring about the needed change, Government, Lobbies, Corporations or The People?
You guessed it: The People! There is no other option.