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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Where does the blame lie!

To Whose Feet Do We Lay The Blame!

If necessary, let us consider:

1. I have not, nor have so many other Americans been very pro-active to end the un-necessary violence from weapons.

2. Our Government Officials have been bought off!

3. The Gun Lobby and Military Industrial Lobby has bought them off!

4. Guns are big business:
   a. They make lots of money 
   b. Retirement funds invest in such companies
   c. Many public employees benefit from such funds
   d. Most don't seem to notice or care from where the funds come.

5. The American Culture is a Culture of Violence:
    a.Peacemaker was the name of a Colt Revolver that "Won the        
    b. America has more deaths by guns per capita than any other          
    country in the world.
    c. We have been at War in one region or another for most of our 
    political existence! Strong Military Industrial Lobby!
    d. Great profits have come from such wars. Weapon and
    munition companies, The Pentagon, etc. all lobby for more 
    money and power. Congressman and other politicians are 
    bought off!
6. We all like our creature comforts and seem to be lost in our
    bubbles of complacency: Until some "senseless" act of violence
    wakes us up!
    a. few requirements about who gets what kinds of guns
    b. many adults and teens leave guns laying around without
    adequate protection from mentally ill or children.

Or, is it "senseless"?

I am reminded of the old saying: "Do as I say and not as I do!" Although we all know that we will model ourselves after behavior more than words. And, when we are traumatized (PTSD) what we tend to do is repeat the circumstances of the trauma so we can figure out how we could have lost our purity and innocence.

When our leaders commit violent acts against innocent citizens of other countries what makes us think that our own citizens won't create violent acts agains innocents in our own country? 

As above, so below. This adage holds true in organizations of all sizes; from families to countries.

Conclusion: We are all culpable. 

The question is; who will bring about the needed change, Government, Lobbies, Corporations or The People?

You guessed it: The People! There is no other option.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On the Threshold into The Age of Aquarius!



On the 21st our the sun will enter ( what ever that means) into the Sign of Aquarius. Every 26000 some years a new age occurs. We have been in the Piscean Age, with the Piscean attributes of divisiveness. So I discovered by attending to this youtube movie:

And, the qualities of Aquarius? Namaste: The Divine Spark in me acknowledges the Divine Spark in you. No need for gurus, we are all divine and in this age we will be awakening to this Truth!

Very cool.

At 10:05, so the same video reports we will cross the equator of the Galactic Rift. And, that is the precise time in which we get the biggest blast from the Black Hole. What does this mean? Good question. The Mayan Elders I have watched, read, listened to say that this is when we (Gaia) get a tremendous down-loading of Spirituality. and only a few will retain the information for more than a few minutes.

Maybe, but, we have never experienced, in the history of modern man, such an event. Perhaps a great number of us are more prepared to accept the Truths that will coming to us. 

This is an Age where amazing Spiritual awarenesses are being shared. The Law of Attraction:,

The Diamond Cutter, wisdom of the Diamond Sutra as shared by Geshe Roach:,mod=19&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&tbo=d&q=the+diamond+cutter+book&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDAx8HixKXfq6-gZlFTmWBUVJimKBtD8f2jbf6BVYFM0za5zd1EQBns5VTKwAAAA&sa=X&ei=ro3HUPTSC8ybjALcwYCwCg&ved=0CKUBEOkTMA8&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=9e5a97ecf0eac3e8&bpcl=39918873&biw=1187&bih=661,

The Course of Miracles:

The list could go on.

You, my faithful readers, can probably name at least three different sources of enlightened information coming our way.

From my own studies I have been able to "choose a better thought", "be kind anyway", exercise "gratitude" and "generosity" more and more.

So, the judgmental nature of my socialization has diminished. Trained to "diagnose" I have even learned to not indulge in that form of professional power-tripping.

No need!

As one who writes this blog and for those who read it you will know that what I am experiencing more and more is the Field of Love. Fear and Anxiety are becoming mere signals to pay attention. We needn't harm ourselves and others by such indulgences as "addiction to adrenaline".

Far more fun to enjoy people as they are, even when they are offensive. Not to enjoy the offense but to understand that everyone has their story and compassionately attending to their story, to "see" them, lets them become less attached to their own destructive thoughts, beliefs and actions. Witnessing allows for easier change.

And now, 12/21/12 at 10:05am comes upon us.

So, why am I celebrating on the 22nd and not on the 21st.

Two reasons:

       First, I want to be at home and able to "receive" more freely.

       Second, I wish to celebrate on the 22nd our having "stepped over the threshold" and; into The Age         of Aquarius!

Well, what if? What if this all just a bunch of crap? Could be yet I experience, as a sociologist, therapist and person, that when individuals share in beliefs the beliefs tend to be actualized.

Heh, noticed lately how many people are sharing wonderfully happy, inspiring, organizing, sharing and caring via the internet?

It is happening, isn't it?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Autumn Equinox 2012: Visualizing and Empowering Change

Most powerful and accessible energy awaits our utilizing at this time in history.

Here are a few links to stress the powerful forces at work: 1. About Solar Flare-ups, on the increase:

And, 2. About major Earthquakes on the increase:

Should we Fear?

Yes, but only to become better prepared!

Should we be aware of the bigger picture?

Yes, of course, and that bigger picture has to do with our being almost in the center of the Galactic Rift, which the Mayans predicted would happen 12/21/12. That event and its veracity receives lots of debate and speculation, some wild claims from many (perhaps me?) and stunted and short sighted belief systems from others (due to "sciences" attachment to facts based on only a recorded history that only goes back, at the most, 1000's of years).

The Mayan Calendar goes back 26 thousand years, plus a few hundred or so, and records cycles of planetary movements. They were our first astrophysicists.

Interesting that about 26 thousand years ago the first discovered means of communicating via symbols happened with the finding of cave paintings in Southern France

It can and has been argued that this time period was about the time of the advent of Civilization (for better or worse).

Can it be that our passing through the Galactic Rift again might portend another impressive transition of Humanity into a New Age?

Stands to reason, at least by this seeker of knowledge.

My contention and practice is to consider that not only will the massive earth and solar events happen but Spiritual Events will also happen. The Energy from the Dark Hole and from Dark Matter will increase our higher chakra centers and invite "knowing-ness".

We are already aware of "Indigo Children", also referred to as "Homo-Gnosis" (not sure where I heard this term . . . interpretation would be "the human that knows". For a detailed list of current books check out Amazon's site Indigo Child books.

Enough of the preliminaries.

The 21st of September is our Equinox: daytime hours are equal to night-time hours. Throughout history it was a time of celebration.

For me it is a chance to take stock of the  next 3 months, leading to 12/21/12.

During this time I wish to meditate, pray, create ritual, visualize the World I believe to be "right" (in Balance and Harmony), to align different Karmic lives (past, present and future) with the desire to find a greater sense of Peace and Well-being. Truly the more we are at Peace in Trust and Love the more we generate such experiences around us: Witness the Wisdom of The Diamond Sutra and of The Law of Attraction.

My intention is to be, especially during this time, as clear and, dare I, pure as is humanely possible to have a greater effect via prayers and visualizations.

On the night of September 22nd, here in Eureka, I will be conducting with the able assistance of experienced shamanic journeyers a ritual to generate, align and direct through "clear intention" visualizations towards Balance and Harmony.

At this time we will "Surf the Zuvuza"; That is, the Spiritual Energy manifested by the Galactic point and space in time we find ourselves.

Should be fun and might well be beneficial, if not collectively then certainly personally!

Love to All!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ritual Healing Circles

Similar Circles are being held all around the World.

There is not just one Healing Circle format, but many. This is my take on creating, facilitating and manifesting a circle. I intend to continue to do so for at least the next 10 months, leading to December of 2012.

The events, in Eureka, CA. will be held at Sacred Palace, Bikram Yoga, 516 5th St. on the first Saturday of each month During Arts Alive, from 8:30 to 10:00 pm, or so. 

What follows is a general description of what one might experience at the Circles I facilitate.

It is important to acknowledge that there are no set agendas or formats. My belief and experience is that the trance state and intention setting that naturally occurs during Sacred Space will bring to the surface all of the guidance and energy needed.  Our ancestors, power animals, guides, angels and what-ever will be gathering around us to move through us for the event to manifest our intentions: Healing of Self, Family and Friends, Community and World!

Basically, and not necessarily in this orders what one can expect is:
  1. Gathering of participants: The mother drum will beat out heart beat rhythms throughout the evening. Beaters will circulate throughout the evening as well.
  2. Welcoming and Invocation: song, prayer, envisioning
  3. Drumming, movement, dance: Shaking bones to let go of blocks
  4. Centering, grounding and focus: Coming into Presence through Visualization, movement and stance.
  5. letting “stuff” come to surface
  6. Talking Circle
  7. Intention formation
  8. Voicing losses, requests for healing
  9. Coming into Sacred Presence: Guided Visualization, activating chakras, and building community energy.
  10. Healing Visualization
  11. Releasing Energy for Healing through singing, chanting, ohm-ing, and movement
  12. Closing Circle

Suggested Donations: 10 to 15$ per participant
       funds to go to Sacred Palace and to Facilitator
Circles begun by Scott L Sherman and open to active participation by any and all
web-sites and blogs where information re: Scott and his approaches to healing can be found on:

Scott is available for individual and relationship counseling
 at office
 at other locations
 via Skype or Gtalk (audio and video)

Contact: 707-445-1018
350 E Street, Ste 409, Eureka, CA 95501

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Accepting Personal Integration

The Personal Integration Imperative
Personal integration is not a choice; just a matter of time. This lifetime; or the next!
To become “One” is our destiny as it was our destiny to evolve from single cell to human. This is so by reflection not only on the nature of our physical evolution but also on the nature of our cultural, spiritual and religious evolutions. 
There is a choice as to when and how we become personally integrated! 
The concept of personal integration (PI) has to do with healing our multiple soul fractionating traumatic events. Occasionally one is able to “shrug” off such events and remain present (integrated in the Now). More often we can grasp the idea, discover the process and run with the adventure of PI.
Traumas can be repetitively small, big or multiples of the two. They are always lessons.  We all acknowledge major traumas. Small, repetitive are more often in denial. Shaming, blaming, hurried grieving all contribute to repression. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is simply a label that spells out that the trauma has not been processed. It has not been enlivened in the body allowing for healing. 
We enter into the processing of trauma differently. We all have a number of valuable traits that allow us to get on with the business of become integrated. Some are verbal or auditory, others visual or kinesthetic. We can write, dance, sing, paint, meditate, etc., to our own PI end.
The more we become integrated the more resources we have available to deal with our day to day life; and the easier it becomes to Become.
The shamanic model of the Universe has it that our fragmented (unresolved grief work) soul parts are left behind, blown into another orbit or Universe, tucked away in some corner of our bodies and so forth. Different folks experience soul loss differently.
What is needed though is a format for healing. Not too much too fast and at least some on a regular basis. Either extreme creates more loss. The heap of fragmentation gets bigger and bigger, the personal pain grows and our dissociative experiences become greater.
So, we must delicately embrace PI. To do so is expedient and rewarding. To not do so . . . well we only have to look at the thoroughly corrupted and “out of touch” individuals that seem to be at the ends of the bell curve to realize the alternatives. More sickness of heart, mind, body and soul.
Three critically basic tools or skills are:

Deep, moderately slow and full breathing
Embracing Gratitude for All
Relaxing, relaxing, relaxing!
Breathing, being in Gratitude and relaxing promotes body awareness, memories and insights. Then the work of PI can proceed through our Higher Self connected to Source re-educating and re-parenting our more naive, wounded, stuck, primitive physical, emotional and spiritual selves. We are multiples of who we are until we experience PI. We increasingly become singular when we embrace the process! 
Embrace with love, full breath, gratitude and surrender.