Near a month has passed!
It can be said that I took a prolonged "Time Out" to work on some of my issues. It can more honestly be said that I "followed a leader" and "let things go!"
Three weeks to Istanbul, on the Turkish coast line of the Mediterranean sailing in an 80 foot sail boat and then touring on the Silk Road in Central Turkey. I was with family, a group of 13 of us guided by a superb professional who works for OAT, Overseas Adventure Tours.
One highlight for me was visiting Rumi's home Mosque and his Tomb. Then to witness a Whirling Dervish Ceremony in a historical Carevanserai. One of the hundreds of safe havens built over a century ago to protect the caravans along the Silk Road.
Some Widom for Rumi!
Seven Advices of Mevlana (Rumi's Sufi or Islamic name)
1. In generosity and helping others be like a river . . .
2. In compassion and grace be like the sun . . .
3. In concealing others'faults be like night . . .
4. In anger and fury be like dead . . .
5. In modesty and humility be like earth . . .
6. In tolerance be like a sea . . .
7. Either exist as you are or be as you look . . .
While one hears and reads about the violence of the Muslims what we all experienced was more of the above nature of the Turkish peoples. Very considerate and caring. Even in the Bazaars! When in Egypt we were accosted by others to purchase items. In Turkey we were engaged in conversations with interest and patience.
Needless to say most all of us experienced a revisiting of our stereotypes of the Islamic Culture.
Apparently the radical Islamic population are extensively only in the Eastern Provinces of Turkey. The Western and Central regions evidenced the wisdom and culture of Rumi!
When we visited his tomb in the Mevlana Museum in the city of Konya I was impressed with the large crowds of Muslims who came to visit his tomb, to make a point to rub some of the stonework and the, in a word, worship his brand of Islam.
Speaking of stonework; I have been to Italy and Egypt, Peru and other areas where ancient ruins of stone existed. Never have I seen so many layers of stonework ruins. Turkey, of course, with Istanbul is at the cross-roads of so many cultures. Not only the Turks, Romans and Grecians but also the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Persians and others, going back to 5000 BC. We visited ruins where existed evidence of all of those cultural influences. The earliest stonework, torn down by invaders, earthquakes or floods were used to become the foundations of the next culture to establish itself along the Coastal areas or along The Silk Road.
Now, how was that for a "time out" experience!
What I learned more than anything was the temporal nature of my attitudes and behaviors. The proverbial spot on the eye of the gnat of the Universe! Can't take myself as seriously as I used to.
And yet, what a profound influence one person can have on a whole world! Rumi!
Makes me consider and re-consider Sufism!