It is in our very DNA. Our history documents evolutionary transitions.
Our repetition compulsions and relationship cauldron experiences provoke us to continue to grow and transform. Our soul conspires with Source to hook us up with those who will most encourage, support or provoke our changes. We get to choose!
When we choose to gain higher consciousness we choose to practice meditation, mindfulness, right living and right attitudes. We limit our addictions to those that are mostly beneficial. We upgrade our addictions to professions. We become more intentional in our efforts and relationships.
Problematic relationships happen mostly because we are focused on changing the other person or perceiving that the problem lies with them. Or, we expect them to work on their issues and change.
Adapting the attitude that when someone provokes me I have an opportunity to practice presence; not just in-spite of their actions but even joyfully allows me to gain ground in my higher consciousness pursuit. A most difficult task.
The goal here can be to regain presence more rapidly. Instead of years, make it months. Instead of months, weeks. When we can notice that we are reacting and not responding it is possible to then take a breath, relax and come back into presence. Back to where we are aware of our own perceptions and sensations and not taking the other's behavior personally. Increasingly the time to re-group can be hours and even minutes. How spectacular is that!
Watching self is of primary importance and when we "split-off" catching our self and using the signal breath of a long exhale and several deep breaths at the same time as focusing on sensations and not thoughts makes this easier. It helps at these times to consciously remind ourselves that our lives are not in danger, only our egos. We can choose to move out of a reptillian brain stem mode of being to a limbic or even neo-cortex mode.
An added benefit is that we become less stressed out. We live longer.
Choosing to "work" our issues increases our ability and facility of higher consciousness development.
It does get easier and easier; even without our "working" at it. Of course, some of this might just be aging! Ha! It is no accident that the elders are regarded as the keepers of Wisdom.
Love ya!
Moving away from a psychotherapy based on the medical model, depending on diagnosis and medications, shamanic psychotherapy approaches healing of emotional insecurities and wounds from a more spiritual, imaginal and practical manner. The site gives information on the nature of our imbalances and how to come into balance. It offers practical means of healing such as effective communications, the power of Now and Gratitude, and the Power and Beauty of Staying Present!
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
How Awesome and what a responsibility to be Human!
Just a short note today. To beautiful to spend much time on the computer or with words.
Lately I have been so impressed with people as individuals and in groups. The more I study and work with self and others the more I appreciate our "unlimited" abilities and potentials. We are truly awesome works of nature . . . of Source!
Consider our energy anatomy (see Carolyn Myss' work: Energy Anatomy and how each Chakra or energy center is connected with all of the resources in the universe that have to do with the work of that center. And, that as we develop our abilities of self-awareness and then connection of higher self and source to program and reprogram each center (moving away from faulty programing or training to intentional and optimal programing) we increasingly become procreative with Source in the direction of self and world realization.
For now, know that there are many tools for accomplishing this. One of the realizations is that there are no accidents. Indeed every time we experience failure of one kind or another a myriad of doors open for transformation towards our intention.
Curious? Well, my intention is to clearly address this awesome nature of being human and how each of us can capitalize on this work to fully come into our own manifestations of purpose!
Check in with me tomorrow. Ask questions and we can co-create the responses!
Lately I have been so impressed with people as individuals and in groups. The more I study and work with self and others the more I appreciate our "unlimited" abilities and potentials. We are truly awesome works of nature . . . of Source!
Consider our energy anatomy (see Carolyn Myss' work: Energy Anatomy and how each Chakra or energy center is connected with all of the resources in the universe that have to do with the work of that center. And, that as we develop our abilities of self-awareness and then connection of higher self and source to program and reprogram each center (moving away from faulty programing or training to intentional and optimal programing) we increasingly become procreative with Source in the direction of self and world realization.
For now, know that there are many tools for accomplishing this. One of the realizations is that there are no accidents. Indeed every time we experience failure of one kind or another a myriad of doors open for transformation towards our intention.
Curious? Well, my intention is to clearly address this awesome nature of being human and how each of us can capitalize on this work to fully come into our own manifestations of purpose!
Check in with me tomorrow. Ask questions and we can co-create the responses!
Friday, March 26, 2010
In and out of (The Field of) Love!
We have all fallen into love; and out of, as well. Not just of others but of "stuff;" books, Guru's, ideas, beliefs, homes, things, etc. Sometimes the process is instantly "into" and years "out of."
One of my beliefs, and it has to do with our can't not evolve-ness, is this facility for transition has to do with our evolving to higher consciousness. It teaches us through the processes of the repetition compulsion how to move from one state of consciousness to another. As with Buddha's teachings, "All suffering comes from attachment" humans have learned how to exercise "detachment" and "coming into Now" over and over again. Some of have learned to do this very successfully: Perhaps too successfully.
There are advantages and disadvantages in our exercising these abilities. For sake of not experiencing emotional pain we often miss the lesson; and, the healing.
When I go into my "stuff" I am after a while able to make a connection with how it came about that I have that particular stuff. In our soul mate interactions or just interactions with others our stuff gets activated by "triggers" or "buttons". Initially our tendency is to blame the others for our bad feelings or our mis-behavior, which usually comes after our feeling bad (all addictions come from a profound sense of emptiness). As we mature and develop more interpersonal tools we realize that our feelings, thought and actions are our responsibility. In a way, when activated bad feelings are gifts. We do need to know how to appreciate them with gratitude. We do need to meditate on when and where we first encountered these bad feelings. We can recover wounded soul parts.
No question about it, being in Love is the greatest feeling. It is not necessarily the best field for growth and personal integration work to happen. As Angeles Ariens teaches about the Appalacian's greeting of each other "What is working you?", we have the option of taking a closer and deeper look into ourselves and our history for healing to happen. On the other hand, getting stuck in our emotions (whether happy or sad) is not the most productive way to go about the business of healing.
Fortunately we now have a whole set of tools for consciously entering into Love and when we slip out of mining the experience effectively and expediently for maximum growth. What used to take me years, then months now only takes days or even hours to get through.
The process is to watch self (develop the third eye through meditation, mindfulness and clean living), catch self either obsessing about feelings or thoughts, give self the signal breath (blow all the air out and take several deep breaths), move back into awareness of sensations (what feel, hear, see, taste, smell and know "in the moment") and regain "presence." Then take some time to scan body and note where the locus of the physiological upset or tightness is. After that wonder when else you have had such feelings.
The sensations where we get triggered are also the links to our wounded soul parts. The sensations can be experienced as portals or gate-ways through which we can most easily and readily contact our soul parts, champion them back into our bodies and become more fully integrated!
Let's dialogue about this process. This is the territory where we find the gold. This is where we gain health and longevity as well as wisdom.
To celebrate the process of falling in and out of love; of consciously working the falling out of the field of love is to truly exercise our great and wonderful human-ness.
Love, Gratitude and Blessing for All of Creation.
One of my beliefs, and it has to do with our can't not evolve-ness, is this facility for transition has to do with our evolving to higher consciousness. It teaches us through the processes of the repetition compulsion how to move from one state of consciousness to another. As with Buddha's teachings, "All suffering comes from attachment" humans have learned how to exercise "detachment" and "coming into Now" over and over again. Some of have learned to do this very successfully: Perhaps too successfully.
There are advantages and disadvantages in our exercising these abilities. For sake of not experiencing emotional pain we often miss the lesson; and, the healing.
When I go into my "stuff" I am after a while able to make a connection with how it came about that I have that particular stuff. In our soul mate interactions or just interactions with others our stuff gets activated by "triggers" or "buttons". Initially our tendency is to blame the others for our bad feelings or our mis-behavior, which usually comes after our feeling bad (all addictions come from a profound sense of emptiness). As we mature and develop more interpersonal tools we realize that our feelings, thought and actions are our responsibility. In a way, when activated bad feelings are gifts. We do need to know how to appreciate them with gratitude. We do need to meditate on when and where we first encountered these bad feelings. We can recover wounded soul parts.
No question about it, being in Love is the greatest feeling. It is not necessarily the best field for growth and personal integration work to happen. As Angeles Ariens teaches about the Appalacian's greeting of each other "What is working you?", we have the option of taking a closer and deeper look into ourselves and our history for healing to happen. On the other hand, getting stuck in our emotions (whether happy or sad) is not the most productive way to go about the business of healing.
Fortunately we now have a whole set of tools for consciously entering into Love and when we slip out of mining the experience effectively and expediently for maximum growth. What used to take me years, then months now only takes days or even hours to get through.
The process is to watch self (develop the third eye through meditation, mindfulness and clean living), catch self either obsessing about feelings or thoughts, give self the signal breath (blow all the air out and take several deep breaths), move back into awareness of sensations (what feel, hear, see, taste, smell and know "in the moment") and regain "presence." Then take some time to scan body and note where the locus of the physiological upset or tightness is. After that wonder when else you have had such feelings.
The sensations where we get triggered are also the links to our wounded soul parts. The sensations can be experienced as portals or gate-ways through which we can most easily and readily contact our soul parts, champion them back into our bodies and become more fully integrated!
Let's dialogue about this process. This is the territory where we find the gold. This is where we gain health and longevity as well as wisdom.
To celebrate the process of falling in and out of love; of consciously working the falling out of the field of love is to truly exercise our great and wonderful human-ness.
Love, Gratitude and Blessing for All of Creation.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Our use of language limits or empowers manifestations!
When I studied Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) I learned a whole new concept about our use of language.
The concept was the tense "future probability." Later I reasoned that that concept is akin to Prayers of Ascension: Thanking the powers that be for granting that which we don't have while in the "field of love." Knowing that we will have! Belief!
How different than our common uses of "try", "hope", "want", "need", etc. All of these and others come from a position of insecurity or anxiety. They imply that what we desire we are not experiencing and maybe even won't experience. "Will" is a stronger term. Yet, it often meets from within with resistance. It goes hand in hand with "must", "have to", "better" (as in "You better do that!") "should", etc.
The French Hypnotherapist, Émile Coué in the late 1800's made a name for himself and advanced our usage of language when he taught, with great success, his clients to use the concept of future probability by teaching the this affirmation: "Everyday in every way I am getting better and better." He would have them on going to bed repeat that affirmation with visualizations 20 times. And, on waking to do the same. Keeping the sense going that it is happening.
This formula gets to a powerful realization. Our conscious rational mind deals with reality on one level while our unconscious visual (holographic) mind-set may well have a very different agenda. Realizing this we can use affirmations such as Coué suggested and custom fit them to our own reality. For example my favorite affirmation is, "Every day in every way I am becoming whole, wholesome and holy!" Or, when working with some one that has a particular illness or imbalance teaching, "Everyday in every way I am becoming healthier and experiencing more integrity and balance."
The use of the repetition brings about more congruence between our conscious and unconscious belief systems.
When we use this formula along with our entering into our experiential body states with gratitude and establish dialogues between our various states of consciousness (animal, instinctual self, heart center, higher self) than we can progress quite nicely in the direction we intend.
And, remembering that energy follows intention we can continue to clarify our intentions and energize our manifestations while in the field of love.
Believe, Trust and Love!
The concept was the tense "future probability." Later I reasoned that that concept is akin to Prayers of Ascension: Thanking the powers that be for granting that which we don't have while in the "field of love." Knowing that we will have! Belief!
How different than our common uses of "try", "hope", "want", "need", etc. All of these and others come from a position of insecurity or anxiety. They imply that what we desire we are not experiencing and maybe even won't experience. "Will" is a stronger term. Yet, it often meets from within with resistance. It goes hand in hand with "must", "have to", "better" (as in "You better do that!") "should", etc.
The French Hypnotherapist, Émile Coué in the late 1800's made a name for himself and advanced our usage of language when he taught, with great success, his clients to use the concept of future probability by teaching the this affirmation: "Everyday in every way I am getting better and better." He would have them on going to bed repeat that affirmation with visualizations 20 times. And, on waking to do the same. Keeping the sense going that it is happening.
This formula gets to a powerful realization. Our conscious rational mind deals with reality on one level while our unconscious visual (holographic) mind-set may well have a very different agenda. Realizing this we can use affirmations such as Coué suggested and custom fit them to our own reality. For example my favorite affirmation is, "Every day in every way I am becoming whole, wholesome and holy!" Or, when working with some one that has a particular illness or imbalance teaching, "Everyday in every way I am becoming healthier and experiencing more integrity and balance."
The use of the repetition brings about more congruence between our conscious and unconscious belief systems.
When we use this formula along with our entering into our experiential body states with gratitude and establish dialogues between our various states of consciousness (animal, instinctual self, heart center, higher self) than we can progress quite nicely in the direction we intend.
And, remembering that energy follows intention we can continue to clarify our intentions and energize our manifestations while in the field of love.
Believe, Trust and Love!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Gratitude is the Elixir!
Moving in and out of The Field of Love and non-ordinary reality Gratitude gives us flexibility and mobility. Try it! Go to that place in your life where there is not much good going on. Where you feel anxiety, fear, disgust, anger, etc. When you find the experience pay attention to the sensations in your body. Where are they, what shape, size, color, temperature, etc.?
When found breathe into the sensations and go to them with gratitude. Here we thank the positive intent of the pain and not the pain itself or the circumstances of the pain. As a rule the discomfort diminishes.
We have now established a link between our higher consciousness or self-awareness center and our body.
There are now several choices we can make, with the grace of gratitude.
1. We can reassure or re-educate the sensations (they are basically unconscious holograms designed for our survival). Is our life in danger in this moment or simply our ego based issues?
2. We can use the link between higher conscious and body to psycho-navigate: to go through the sensations into non-ordinary reality and access our wounded self, where we learned to have the discomfortable hologram. When we do a memory will surface; or, a collection of memories about past assaults on our self or ego. Again, we can re-educate or re-program. Saying in effect, "I know how to work with that experience, I have been through everything you will have to go through and can guide you back into my consciousness. I want and need you to be with me such that I can experience greater integration.
3. We can simply move into The Now with our breath and gratitude.
Gratitude allows us to also access the ancestors, power animals, master teachers, greater sense of self, higher self, etc. To come into sync with All of Creation.
These experiences, practiced, allow us to strengthen our usage of "Intent." Energy follows intention; and when we move out of fear and anxiety into The Field of Love with the help of Gratitude then we can formulate a clear and positive intention. The Law of Attraction will then bring to us what it is we are intending. Less work, more effective and more fun!
To maximize these experiences it is important for us to take a closer look at our use of words; the structure of the English language!
When found breathe into the sensations and go to them with gratitude. Here we thank the positive intent of the pain and not the pain itself or the circumstances of the pain. As a rule the discomfort diminishes.
We have now established a link between our higher consciousness or self-awareness center and our body.
There are now several choices we can make, with the grace of gratitude.
1. We can reassure or re-educate the sensations (they are basically unconscious holograms designed for our survival). Is our life in danger in this moment or simply our ego based issues?
2. We can use the link between higher conscious and body to psycho-navigate: to go through the sensations into non-ordinary reality and access our wounded self, where we learned to have the discomfortable hologram. When we do a memory will surface; or, a collection of memories about past assaults on our self or ego. Again, we can re-educate or re-program. Saying in effect, "I know how to work with that experience, I have been through everything you will have to go through and can guide you back into my consciousness. I want and need you to be with me such that I can experience greater integration.
3. We can simply move into The Now with our breath and gratitude.
Gratitude allows us to also access the ancestors, power animals, master teachers, greater sense of self, higher self, etc. To come into sync with All of Creation.
These experiences, practiced, allow us to strengthen our usage of "Intent." Energy follows intention; and when we move out of fear and anxiety into The Field of Love with the help of Gratitude then we can formulate a clear and positive intention. The Law of Attraction will then bring to us what it is we are intending. Less work, more effective and more fun!
To maximize these experiences it is important for us to take a closer look at our use of words; the structure of the English language!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Being in The Field of Love
To be human is to experience being awesome. We have already evolved to a point where our imaginations can take us anywhere. And, where imagination goes, energy follows and creation occurs.
Why is it then that so many of us live in states of emotional, intellectual, psychological and material poverty?
Gets back to soul loss and being stuck in old dysfunctional paradigms. When we experience trauma our genetic and energetic bodies become fixed. The memories are stored in our very cells. That has to do with our learning from the experience either in the Now or eventually. Processing the experience goes into our collective data-banks.
Knowing how to move our energy through our various mind-sets can greatly facilitate our growth towards higher consciousness: Which is our destiny!
Simply put there are three states of consciousness that we abide in: The field of fear and anxiety, the field of Love and the field of thought and awareness! Think reptillian, limbic and neocortex.
The quest and realization of so many of you readers has to do with learning how to move freely from one state of consciousness to the next; and, just accidentally getting there and not knowing how or why that happened. A characteristic that I can say marked my life for decades.
Learning how to meditate and experiencing un-conditional love allowed and provoked me to actively learn how to move back into that field when I slipped out or was pushed out.
The incredible power and nature of Now. Buddha's great teachings. Ram Dass (Be Here Now), Meher Baba, Kristnamerti, Eckart Tolle, etc. all taught us how to get there and the benefits of being there.
Why is it so hard to stay "In the Field of Love?"
I am learning and teaching that when we slip out that can be a gift. We slip out when we are set up by our or other's wounded soul parts. That slippage creates the need and opportunity for more growth towards higher consciousness. Towards fully celebrating the New Aquarian Age of Man and Women walking hand in hand; and not one being subjugated by the other.
Learning to find gratitude for all is the elixir. Gratitude is the elixir!
Find and be in Gratitude!
Why is it then that so many of us live in states of emotional, intellectual, psychological and material poverty?
Gets back to soul loss and being stuck in old dysfunctional paradigms. When we experience trauma our genetic and energetic bodies become fixed. The memories are stored in our very cells. That has to do with our learning from the experience either in the Now or eventually. Processing the experience goes into our collective data-banks.
Knowing how to move our energy through our various mind-sets can greatly facilitate our growth towards higher consciousness: Which is our destiny!
Simply put there are three states of consciousness that we abide in: The field of fear and anxiety, the field of Love and the field of thought and awareness! Think reptillian, limbic and neocortex.
The quest and realization of so many of you readers has to do with learning how to move freely from one state of consciousness to the next; and, just accidentally getting there and not knowing how or why that happened. A characteristic that I can say marked my life for decades.
Learning how to meditate and experiencing un-conditional love allowed and provoked me to actively learn how to move back into that field when I slipped out or was pushed out.
The incredible power and nature of Now. Buddha's great teachings. Ram Dass (Be Here Now), Meher Baba, Kristnamerti, Eckart Tolle, etc. all taught us how to get there and the benefits of being there.
Why is it so hard to stay "In the Field of Love?"
I am learning and teaching that when we slip out that can be a gift. We slip out when we are set up by our or other's wounded soul parts. That slippage creates the need and opportunity for more growth towards higher consciousness. Towards fully celebrating the New Aquarian Age of Man and Women walking hand in hand; and not one being subjugated by the other.
Learning to find gratitude for all is the elixir. Gratitude is the elixir!
Find and be in Gratitude!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Law of Attraction, Repetition Compulsion and Relationship Cauldron
We have been paying lots of attention lately to The Law of Attraction, Abraham's Teachings as conveyed by Ester Hicks. The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
Seems that law has been working us for some long time.
Witness the Repetition Compulsion! Alice Miller, Jungian Analyst and author describes how our bodies do not forget and compel us to "try again." For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence
What is it that has us repeating the same dumb mistakes in our thoughts, feelings and actions . . . over and over again? And, what does that have to do with relationships and "cauldron?"
Well, we are attracted to each other and not just because of our scent, looks, charm, personality, money, etc. Most importantly we are attracted to each other to work out our issues!
I like the idea of a "cauldron". It conveys a certain metaphysical, alchemical quality. Add some sacred water, a few drops of dragon blood, some newt's eye-balls, some amanita muscaria, a few dandelion leafs, some Sucanet and whatever else goes into the pot and stuff starts to happen. Could just as well talk about adding some love, some PTSD, a bit of cheating or lying, some drugs, a bit of spinach, Sucanet and we might end up with pretty much the same potion! The potion is to agitate us to heal!
It all has to do with our evolution to higher consciousness. The deal is not, no not at all, "And they lived happily ever-after!" More it is about "You can't always get what you wa-annt. No you can't always get what you wa-annt. But if you try, you might find . . . you get what you neeed!" Or something like that. There is a deep need for us to evolve. It has to do with our very genetic underpinnings. We can't not evolve as a species: have been doing so for all of creation.
This is how it works. When our soul, ego or body is traumatized by self or other it hurts so much that a piece of us leaves our body. Sometimes it gets stuck out in non-ordinary reality (if the hurt is great enough). Sometimes it comes and goes depending on our life-style; on how much we are dipping in and out of negative thoughts, feelings and actions! (For more information on this subject please refer to: Sandra Ingerman Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self
, Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation
; and, Michael Harner, The Way of the Shaman
Anytime a piece of us is not where it belongs we are out of integrity. We are in so many words "not then working with a full deck of cards."
As one of the Universal Laws appears to be evolution towards higher consciousness (I certainly believe this is the case!) we tend to set ourselves up to have to continually face up to our wounded-ness. The best way to do this is in relationship. The most beneficial kind of relationship for this work to happen is in a couple.
One of the ways in which, by default if in no other way, we "work" our recovery of soul is by joining in relationship with others who have some kind of mirror issue to our own. The pot gets stirred over and over again and we repeatedly have the necessity and opportunity of seeing ourselves in our wounded-ness.
Often we miss the chance to experience any kind of recovery and advancement of consciousness or integration of self. Instead we argue, excuse, deny, hide, get angry, freeze, rationalize, or in countless other ways side-step the issue. We miss the opportunity to gain some wisdom. That's ok. The issue will come up again for further consideration. It can't not!
My understanding of why this is so has to do with our having some pretty limited frames of reference and language usages.
Our thinking is mostly that we either have soul or we don't. Well, how about having varying degrees of soul depending on what is going on. We are not just a soul. We are degrees of soul integration depending on our degree of actively recovering our soul from times of ignorance, accident, abuse, abandonment, betrayal, etc. We are degrees of soul integration depending on our ability to relax, stay present, meditate, be mindful and be at One-ness with self.
It is possible for us to have great soul loss and not heal! We can do this by playing at being calm and cool. We can meditate, become so focused on our path that our issues don't come to the surface, lay low, be in such a state of denial that others avoid us, and probably many other acts of limitation. And it is important that we know that we can take such time outs. My own preference is for the "Time Outs" to be institutionalized as a way to calm down and then come back into the relationship to talk it out.
Why not work at healing and get on with evolving!
Once the time out has been taken and we have had a chance to come back into "presence," into a greater sense of personal integration, then what helps is to speak our truth. Truth speaking has five parts to it:
Witness the Repetition Compulsion! Alice Miller, Jungian Analyst and author describes how our bodies do not forget and compel us to "try again." For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence
Well, we are attracted to each other and not just because of our scent, looks, charm, personality, money, etc. Most importantly we are attracted to each other to work out our issues!
I like the idea of a "cauldron". It conveys a certain metaphysical, alchemical quality. Add some sacred water, a few drops of dragon blood, some newt's eye-balls, some amanita muscaria, a few dandelion leafs, some Sucanet and whatever else goes into the pot and stuff starts to happen. Could just as well talk about adding some love, some PTSD, a bit of cheating or lying, some drugs, a bit of spinach, Sucanet and we might end up with pretty much the same potion! The potion is to agitate us to heal!
It all has to do with our evolution to higher consciousness. The deal is not, no not at all, "And they lived happily ever-after!" More it is about "You can't always get what you wa-annt. No you can't always get what you wa-annt. But if you try, you might find . . . you get what you neeed!" Or something like that. There is a deep need for us to evolve. It has to do with our very genetic underpinnings. We can't not evolve as a species: have been doing so for all of creation.
This is how it works. When our soul, ego or body is traumatized by self or other it hurts so much that a piece of us leaves our body. Sometimes it gets stuck out in non-ordinary reality (if the hurt is great enough). Sometimes it comes and goes depending on our life-style; on how much we are dipping in and out of negative thoughts, feelings and actions! (For more information on this subject please refer to: Sandra Ingerman Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self
Anytime a piece of us is not where it belongs we are out of integrity. We are in so many words "not then working with a full deck of cards."
As one of the Universal Laws appears to be evolution towards higher consciousness (I certainly believe this is the case!) we tend to set ourselves up to have to continually face up to our wounded-ness. The best way to do this is in relationship. The most beneficial kind of relationship for this work to happen is in a couple.
One of the ways in which, by default if in no other way, we "work" our recovery of soul is by joining in relationship with others who have some kind of mirror issue to our own. The pot gets stirred over and over again and we repeatedly have the necessity and opportunity of seeing ourselves in our wounded-ness.
Often we miss the chance to experience any kind of recovery and advancement of consciousness or integration of self. Instead we argue, excuse, deny, hide, get angry, freeze, rationalize, or in countless other ways side-step the issue. We miss the opportunity to gain some wisdom. That's ok. The issue will come up again for further consideration. It can't not!
My understanding of why this is so has to do with our having some pretty limited frames of reference and language usages.
Our thinking is mostly that we either have soul or we don't. Well, how about having varying degrees of soul depending on what is going on. We are not just a soul. We are degrees of soul integration depending on our degree of actively recovering our soul from times of ignorance, accident, abuse, abandonment, betrayal, etc. We are degrees of soul integration depending on our ability to relax, stay present, meditate, be mindful and be at One-ness with self.
It is possible for us to have great soul loss and not heal! We can do this by playing at being calm and cool. We can meditate, become so focused on our path that our issues don't come to the surface, lay low, be in such a state of denial that others avoid us, and probably many other acts of limitation. And it is important that we know that we can take such time outs. My own preference is for the "Time Outs" to be institutionalized as a way to calm down and then come back into the relationship to talk it out.
Why not work at healing and get on with evolving!
Once the time out has been taken and we have had a chance to come back into "presence," into a greater sense of personal integration, then what helps is to speak our truth. Truth speaking has five parts to it:
- What our perceptions are. Just what did we see, hear or feel?
- How exactly did our bodies respond; or, usually, react to that perception?
- What emotions, thoughts and feelings came out of the bodily response? What "churning" of thoughts and feelings then came about?
- And, what memories of similar events came to the surface?
- What then can we ask for from our partner in terms of wants or needs to help us stay present in similar situations?
Such dialogue can bring about a working relationship where we can assist our partners to evolve more readily, smoothly and effectively.
I mentioned, earlier, our use of language and how it, too, limits us. Take the word "try!" It only makes sense in the past tense. To say, "I am trying" is to say "I am not doing." Our unconscious minds take such things literally.
To say, "I will do something" again puts the action off.
The prayer of ascension thanks the powers for granting us that which we aspire to have! The law of Attraction has it that if we believe we are receiving we will receive. It is "present tense!" I am blessed, I am loved, I am successful, etc. Not I someday will or I will try. Those are moving in the right direction but far better to actually be In the field of love!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Introduction to the Future
Hello and thanks for visiting this web-site!
Are you, too, interested in figuring out how to live a life of integrity, balance, sustainability, nurturing and caring for all of creation; and, at the same time being happy, healthy, prosperous and loving? My long time search for solutions has led me to what can be called "soul-lutions!" To be able to experience this most effectively it is important to adopt a shamanic world view.
The Trail of Tears is 10000 years old and has not ended. It began when we began to manipulate our environment with most notably the Agricultural Revolution. At that time our Goddess Mythologies became over-shadowed by the Storm God Mythologies . . . all around the world. (Please check out John Weir Perry's The Lord of the Four Quarters. Lord of the Four Quarters: The Mythology of Kingship (Jung and Spirituality Series)
) The advent of monotheistic and patriachal religions began about these times and with them the subjection of the feminine and the raping, pillaging and plundering of the indigenous. Look here for an understanding of the mythological underpinnings of our addictions to War!
Oh, that is not to say that these things did not occur before then; just that around that time things escalated into wholesale destruction! It, interestingly, was also the time we began to cultivate wheat, experience glucose intolerance, get new kinds of sickness (St. Vitas Dance) and reduce our plant based food intake from hundreds of varied species to twenty or so! Is it no wonder that our life expectancy has dropped.
Well, the Future is Now. The new Paradigm is upon us! And, to help it along:
- Eat a broad spectrum of fruits, vegetables and berries: grown close to home and vine ripened! Grow your Own!
- Create a daily practice of Meditation and Mindfulness
- Strengthen your immediate neighborhood by getting to know everyone who lives around you and develop caring and sharing activities.
- Practice Truth Speaking and staying with your truth! (see my web-site under "Tools"
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